Solutions for
VDB serves as your essential B2B technology partner in the jewelry industry. Our platform offers advanced sales tools and solutions designed to streamline operations and facilitate seamless client collaboration. Tailored for suppliers, wholesalers, manufacturers, and brands, VDB helps enhance business efficiency and growth.
Selectively share images, videos, and certificates. Share with or without prices and change prices in the app. Allow select users to see back-office details, including costs and locations of goods.
Make it easy for your buyers to order and communicate with you by offering your own app featuring best-in-class search and sourcing tools.
Streamline your business operations with customizable solutions that integrate advanced retailer add-ons, sync seamlessly with CRM/ERP systems, and expand through tailored B2B applications.
Configure any type of jewelry with an unlimited number of options and variants.
Over 1.8 million mined and lab-grown diamonds, gems, and jewelry—all with photos and 360-degree video. It’s the only visual search engine for jewelers and the only marketplace you need.